Added 'Search Product Name In Google' option.You can use it only inside command-prompt window. (For example: DriveLetterView.exe /scomma '' > c:\temp\dlv.csv ) You can now send the information to stdout by specifying an empty filename ('') in the command-line.Added 'Open Device Properties Window' option.You won't be able to change/remove a drive letter. If you run it without admin rights, DriveLetterView can display the list of all drives, but
You can also use DriveLetterView to export the list of all drives into text/csv/html/xml file. Well as to delete a drive letter of USB device that is not plugged. It also allows you to easily change a drive letter of USB devices and remote network shares, as DriveLetterView is a simple utility that allows you to view the list of all drive letter assignments in your system, including local drives, remote network drives, CD/DVD drives, and USB drives - even if they are not currently plugged.